Shri Chandy Oommen MLA on Thursday unveiled the official T-Shirt of GTECH Kerala Marathon 2025, to be held in the state capital to support ‘Drug Free Kerala’ campaign.
GTECH Marathon promotional drive kicked off.
Chenda melam to get everyone pumped up!
Drumbeats ignite the spirit, fueling energy and enthusiasm for the marathon!
GTECH team gearing up for the big day.
A fun flashmob catching everyone's eye.
Building the thrill and excitement for marathon day.
Shri Chandy Oommen, MLA, at the event.
The Official T-Shirt launch.
Shri Chandy Oommen, Col Sanjeev Nair (Retd), Mr. Sreekumar V, and Mr. Manoj Elanjickal at the official t-shirt launch.