
Yukon Delegates visits Technopark

Yukon Delegates visits Technopark

The prestigious meet-up with the esteemed Yukon Premier Delegation, hosted at Technopark Thiruvananthapuram on September 15, 2023,attended by Gtech and Nasscom members. It provided a unique platform for engagement with prominent leaders from the Yukon government and tech community.

Distinguished delegates gracing the event included Ranj Pillai, Premier of the Yukon; Michael Prochazka, Deputy Minister of Economic Development; Ziad Sahid, Executive Director of Tech Yukon; Jason Cunning, Chief of Staff for Premier Pillai; Aurora Bicudo, Ministerial Advisor to Premier Pillai; Marius Curteanu, Director of Immigration; Cyriac George, IT Systems Specialist; Victor Thomas, President and CEO of Canada-India Business Council; Benoit Prefontaine, Canadian Consul General in Bengaluru; and Cassandre Marcelin, Trade Commissioner at the Canadian Consulate in Bengaluru.
Notable attendees from the Technopark Thiruvananthapuram side included Col Sanjeev Nair (Retd.), CEO Technopark, Mr. Manjit Cherian, CMO Kerala IT Parks, and other dignitaries.
This significant gathering was made possible by the enthusiastic participation of our valued members. Stay tuned for more exciting opportunities and future collaborations!