
Technopark Celebrates Women’s Day: The Power Behind the Operations

Technopark Celebrates Women’s Day The Power Behind the Operations

Women are efficiency ninjas. They juggle tasks, manage complexities, and consistently deliver. Yet, their contributions can be like the silent hum of a well-oiled machine – essential, but often overlooked. Societal expectations, unconscious biases, and focusing on outward displays of effort can leave women's perseverance under-recognized.

The Technopark Parkcentre Staff Association (TPSA) wished to acknowledge the tireless efforts of its women workforce in the operations department to ensure every hard work and commitment is noticed. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, TPSA organized a get-together to thank and honour its efficient women staff in Operations. The event was held on 7th March 2024, at the Travancore Hall.

The women’s day celebrations began with Technopark CEO, Col Sanjeev Nair (Retd) formally inaugurating the event. He presented the women staff members with mementos to acknowledge their industrious work.

The felicitation was followed by light refreshments and an impromptu cultural show, where several women from the staff came forward to sing and entertain the gathering.

The simplicity and sincerity of our women staff touched our hearts and made everyone smile. Despite personal hardships and challenges, our women workforce has their child-like qualities intact; they are ready to mingle and make the best of their time together!

Their resilience is a lesson for all of us, and we believe that we must provide them the opportunity to unwind, get together, and find strength and joy within the community.

TPSA is grateful to its women workforce for their endless support and commitment, and hopes that this small gesture has brought a smile to their faces and a spring in their steps!