
Mirchi-Prathidhwani Color Run 2024 Conducted Within Technopark

Mirchi-Prathidhwani Color Run 2024 Conducted Within Technopark

25th June 2024

Prathidhwani and Radio Mirchi organized a vibrant and energetic event on 25 June 2024 called the Mirchi-Prathidhwani Color Run 2024. This exciting event that combined fitness and fun, providing a memorable way for colleagues to unwind and celebrate, was conducted inside Technopark. 


A Day Filled with Color and Joy


The Mirchi-Prathidhwani Color Run was a non-competitive 3KM run that took place entirely within Technopark. 


Celebrating with the First 400


The first 400 participants to register on-site received event t-shirts, medals, certificates, and refreshments upon completing the run.


Engaging Activities for All


The festivities continued after the run with an electrifying DJ session featuring DJ Xyklone and DJ Yazz. Attendees grooved to the music and celebrated with their fellow techies.


A Touch of Fashion and Entertainment


The event also featured a captivating fashion show showcasing the latest trends by Trivandrum fashion models. Additionally, actors Roshan Mathew and Darshana Rajendran joined the celebration to promote their recent movie release, "Paradise."


A Successful Collaboration


It was a truly successful collaboration between Prathidhwani and Radio Mirchi that brought the Technopark community together for a day of fun and entertainment.